Wellstone Manor Restoration
Continuing Project
Historically Known as
William E. Wells House
This house is Nationally historically registered, it is also managed by the Smithsonian historical trust which approves all restoration projects to ensure the work matches the original craftsmanship.
R & R Construction Group has completed multiple projects on this property and has continuing work on this project as a whole. Below are galleries which show the restoration work which has been undertaken and completed.
*Pictured Right is Wellstone Manor prior to any restorations.

Grand Stairway Repair
The original wagon road cut through the Grand Stairway in two different locations, one at the bottom and one at the top. In modern day the property has a new driveway so it was possible to complete the Grand Stairway. The Grand Stairway is approx. 150 feet long and drops 5 elevations to the main street. It is constructed with sandstone sides and cement walkways.

Carriage House
Conversion & Restoration
This turn of the century carriage house was approved to have one side converted into a growing room by the historical trust. Originally it had a second floor which was used by a groundskeeper as living quarters. It took Wellstone Manor many years to track down our company. Prior to Wellstone Manor could find no contractor who could match the brick laying style in the rest of the building to allow for the partial conversion.
We had a Brickmaking company in Ohio remake the required brick. Also, we had a Window Manufacturer in Washington State recreate the wood window in the style of the other windows on the building, which was required by the historical trust. Our company poured a small footer to support the brick we laid and constructed an interior wall with insulation and finished drywall on the inside. Lastly, we installed the window to finish the project.
(Note: The historical trust would not allow the removal of the original hinges and door jams.)

Box Gutter
Repair & Restoration w/ Lift
The box gutter, wood soffit and fascia was at an elevation of two and a half stories. This phase required an aerial man lift to efficiently do the project. Approx. 35 feet of metal box cutter reconditioning as well as 14 feet of wood gutter bridging, soffit and facia replacement.

Grand Entranceway
To complete the stairs of the Grand Entranceway we hand excavated a 42 foot arch including 18" round 40" deep footer bridges, every 4 feet. This footer elevation was poured with 5,000 psi high strength concrete. We then proceeded to create a custom casting to pour three levels of a 40 foot arched stairway which in completion would look identical to ground sandstone arched stones. We also created a casting for the light posts which would in completion look like cut sandstone. We acid dyed the concrete to capture the color of the original historical look of the staircase. Lastly, we added grout in the reliefs to complete the look of the stone. This project took an immense amount of knowledge and creativity, even we are in awe of the beauty of this finished project.

Garage Restoration
This 1920's garage fell into major disrepair, upon removing four layers of shingles many of the overhangs and roof decking collapsed from being rotten. We also discovered ant and termite damage which destroyed 14 feet of the garage door main header beam.
A supportive crib system was temporarily installed to support and level the beam area to be replaced. We hand cut and installed two foot overhang rafters and common roof decking to both sides and rear of the building. The front overhang replacement included duplicating eleven hand cut decorative overhang rafters and wainscot/beadboard exposed roof sheeting.
We installed new crown molding and trim between all of the rafters. We installed approved red shingles to match the house. Lastly primer and two coats of paint finished the project.